The Bell Curve
Monday, March 5, 2012

During his long and successful career of keeping unions out of the workplace, a labor attorney continually reminded his clients and associates that emotions follow a bell curve. If employees’ ill feelings toward management build up slowly, they can only be brought down slowly. However, if there is a sudden burst of anger among employees over an issue, the emotional climate can be improved quickly – assuming the right actions are taken by management.

I’m certain the new shortened time period between the filing of a unionization petition and an election would greatly disturb the venerable attorney and focus much of his attention on prevention of problems. The old adage an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of curestill holds true.

It all boils down to communication, something too many of us push aside to make room for issues we deem as “more important right now.” As we begin a new year, I hope you will make communication between you and your employees a high priority, and reach out for their input on what issues are of greatest concern to them. That’s always a great starting point and prevents you from winding up behind the bell curve.

Take a look at our ounce of prevention list and let us know which flavor you like.

If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to contactus!
